Day 3,501—4 Seconds Faster—

My watch alters me whenever I start a segment and tells me how far I have until it is over. The excessive beeping usually makes me mad, but today I felt great, and the news that I was halfway through and way ahead of schedule only reinforced my feelings. I sprinted up the hill but then ran into a car trying to get out on the street. I made eye contact with the driver and was able to go around, but then another car moved fast enough that they were gone before I got there, and finally, one last truck saw me, so I circled around.

         When I made it to the end, it beeped, confirming that I had beat my best time. When I looked at it on Strava it still hasn’t registered yet but it says my previous best time was 2:39, and today I did 2:35. My previous best was from three years ago. It is always satisfying to beat my younger self. I would like to PR for the marathon. Officially, my best time is 3:15:x, and I have gotten between 3:15 and 3:20 most recently, but I haven't really trained for that distance since 2016. After that, I kept running them, but I haven’t really focused on that distance again.


the Most Epic Runs