Day 3,488—Running for the Rest of my Life—

I think because I run every day, I can be a little more cautious than other ultra-runners. Some runners I see push past injury and fatigue and keep going without an end in sight. I never go past the point where I think I could get sick or seriously injured. It is not that I don’t think I can, but it is just not a very good use of time. After all, I've got to run tomorrow, and I've got kids, a job, and school.

I was looking at races for next year and signed up for the Shippey. I also was thinking maybe I would do a backyard ultra that is on December 2nd. I guess if it doesn’t happen, it is not the end of the world, but I would like to just get one 100-mile race in before the end of the year. Technically, I have already completed one this year, but that was in January. Still, I did just have a new child in April, so considering I have had a pretty good year so far.


the Most Epic Runs