Day 3,494—Prospects for this Week—

Another busy week, but at the end of it, I will be facing a full week off from work with no major plans. Most of my family is going to visit my brother for the holiday, but my wife and I don’t want to travel with an infant, so we will be home, having some form of Thanksgiving with her parents.

         I will get to do the Kirkwood/Webster Thanksgiving Day run, which I missed for the first time in many years last year when we went to Nashville for the week. I originally wanted to do a big run sometime over the holiday but I am glad I did not. I still have time to sign up for the backyard on December 2nd, which I  think I am going to end up doing but I like not thinking about any races for a minute. I am still dealing with arm and shoulder pain. I think it is getting better but it is annoying that it keeps coming back whenever I think that I am pretty much fixed.


the Most Epic Runs