Day 3,493—a Night Out—

My wife and I went to see Seinfeld and Gaffigan last night. It was a huge deal because we had to leave our son for the first time with someone in the evening. He goes to daycare, but he has never had anyone but my wife or me with him in the evening. As we started to leave, my wife’s family was attempting to feed my son, but he wasn’t having it. I looked into his eyes to see pure terror as he realized what was happening. I knew this would be hard, but it would only be for a few hours, surely, they would survive. 

The show was good, but both comedians focused extensively on their families, so it was hard not to think about the kids. On a whim, I recorded the show on my phone and was listening to it during this run. Seinfeld started the show by suggesting that St. Louis had saved his show Seinfeld because we were the only city in the US that was watching it in the early days. They started the show together and then attempted to perform both of their acts simultaneously. It was fun. 


the Most Epic Runs