Day 3186 —Planning what to Wear: Two Runs until the Shippey! — with a CLOUDY SUNRISE

I stretched and then worked out using my Oculus before I started my run. This is my third day of not drinking any coffee, and it is surprising how much my body has adjusted. I slept in some because I have class until 10:30, but it would have been easy to get up at my normal time. I studied my heart rate as I ran but as I did, I just kept thinking about the race and what clothes I plan to wear. I have decided to wear my light leggings with shorts over them, to start with a long-sleeve shirt and a light jacket. It will be a little cold to start, but I imagine I will want to take the jacket off within the first two hours. It is possible I will need a jacket at all, but I will probably pack two just in case. With this race having an aid station inside, it makes it easier to change clothes. I wonder how many times I will do that. I always end up over-packing my clothes and never wanting to change on these colder races; however, this race might be different. There are a lot of unique aspects to this race that I have never worked with before. For example, the fact that there will still be cellphone signal during the race makes everything so much easier.
