Day 3187 —Thinking about Class: One Run until the Shippey! — with a CLOUDY SUNRISE II

 I was up until midnight because I had a class until 10:30, and I was still thinking about how I felt about what had happened in class.  

          At the beginning of class, my teacher decided to spend five-minutes talking about how “dumb” he thought sheep were. I didn’t say anything when he started but when he seemed unable to move on to another topic. I told him how the reason sheep might seem “dumb” is because of their domestication by humans which weeded out those who were more likely to run away.

He responded first by trying to make me look dumb, “Where did you learn that?!”

I quickly responded with, “in a book, like most things that I have learned.”

When that didn’t satisfy him as he continued to try to belittle me, I told him the book “Sapiens, maybe you have heard of it?” I asked.  

Next, he wanted to make fun of me for reading books and suggested other people in class call me when they need help raising sheep.

I told him that I made no suggestion of desiring to help people domesticating animals; however, I did have a problem with him being so disparaging about sheep, “It is not the sheep’s fault,” I suggested.

He asked if I had problem with all animals. I said I was a vegan and loved all animals, and then he decided to tell me that he thought that “chicken were the dumbest animal.”

I cannot say the behavior is unusual. I see it commonly in the young adults I work with; however, never with a professor in his 60s.

 I still am processing what happened, but it just made so little sense to me. I guess I am spoiled by interacting with adults who mostly treat me with respect?

 By the time I got back to my house I had ran a little more than I meant to, and I thought about how appropriate it is that meat literately poisons your heart.  



the Most Epic Runs