Day 3,360 —Caught in the Storm—

Running with my vest and my water bladder. I felt good using it during the first two laps that I completed. I was taking a break every hour to check on the family and see if they needed anything. After my first lap, I ate pretzels and hummus with my daughter outside. 

She told me when I got home that she wanted to sleep outside! She said she wanted to camp! I am not sure where she got that idea. We don’t even own a tent, but she has been pretending to drink cocoa a lot, so possibly that has something to do with it? 

The last lap was the hardest, and it was after I drank this hydration drink that seemed to have the opposite effect. I drank all 50 ounces during my last 6-mile loops, and I was still so thirsty! I need to figure out a hydration powder that works for me. 


the Most Epic Runs