Day 3,371 —Car Parts on the Side of the Road—

All the trash you see on the side of the road is from the cars, not the people walking. This is something I didn’t really understand until I witnessed people throwing trash out of their windows. It seemed so common to me when I was younger; I didn’t hesitate to toss an apple core or a banana peel out my window. 

Normally it is stray trash, which could have been an accident, but there are tied bags with trash that I will find on the road and the sidewalk. Yet, I have never seen such a big part from the inside of someone’s car like this. I wonder if this person was working on their car and left it, or just tossed it out their window for no reason? 

Shouldn’t the companies that make the trash that we throw away be culpable for the cleanup? Just a little bit? Doesn’t it seem obvious that companies shouldn’t be encouraged to produce so much waste when packaging their products? Instead, they should be rewarded for providing packaging that is pragmatic and reusable. And at the very least, be responsible for purchasing and maintaining trash containers where all their products end up on the street.


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