Day 3,386—Life on the Farm—

My daughter asked why the rooster was making that sound this morning and never seemed satisfied with the answer I gave her. 

"He is helping everyone get up." 

"But, why do that?" 

". . ." I guess I didn’t know, and I am sure that is not why roosters make that sound every morning. She had me there.

I asked my nephew if he wanted to go out and do a mile this morning, and by the time we got going, his little sister wanted to go too. She rocketed out on her scooter as her brother and I ran at a leisurely pace. I tried to encourage him to relax as he ran, but it was easier said than done. I still have to tell myself to relax and breathe through my nose every time I go out.

He ended up doing a mile, and his sister ditched her scooter and sprinted for a good.2 before she got distracted by a neighbor and her dog. 

I told them both to go inside and sit down for a minute. It was in the 90s when we went out, but the humidity made it worse. After that, I ran down to the river, which I confused with a creek bed. I ran past some beautiful land and horses. I thought their neighbors' horses were so graceful as they walked about in the morning. 


the Most Epic Runs