Day 3,381—The Empty Lot—

It used to be a McDonald's more than a decade ago. Back then, I had a friend who lived on this street. The car shop next door tried to park cars there for a few days, but soon removed the cars from the weed-infested lot. I wonder who owns it and what they plan to do with it.

         I imagine a track as I run around the edge of the lot. It is roughly 8 laps for a mile, or half the size of a regular track. A garden would be nice in the center and around the edges, so you might be hidden from the street once inside. Also, there should be some old-fashioned streetlamps on the corners, so I don’t have to use my headlamp while I am running at night.

         I want to make it open to the public. I am not trying to make it exclusive. It would just be delightful to always have a quiet place to run.


the Most Epic Runs