Day 3,369 —Hello Deer—

I felt myself being pulled to turn left today, breaking from my usual routine of going south down Laclede. I was running on the tiny trail in Blackburn Park when I noticed a deer, so still that part of me wondered if it was plaster, but I heard it chewing, so I got my camera. I slowly approached it as I recorded it, and then I saw another deer with him not too far away. He ran over to join the other deer, and I continued on my way. It felt amazing to get so close and to walk slowly enough that they didn’t run off. I have taken a lot of pictures over the years, but this is the best I have ever gotten. I wonder if someday they will let me pet them. 

I tried out my new Solomon 1.5-liter reservoir today. It functioned as expected once out on the road, but it was difficult to open, and as I was researching how to open the top, I saw some awful reviews of it leaking unexpectedly. I made the decision to buy a different one that was a little bigger (2 liters), and I imagined myself running the Shawnee Hill 100 on the longest part without water. I knew the 40 ounces of water I usually carry with me was not going to be enough. I hope 2 liters will be enough. 

You would think the math would be simpler, i.e., just carry more water, but the more water you carry, the more water you need because the weight will increase your workload. 


the Most Epic Runs