Day 3,373—for Walter and Vivian—

In days of yore, a grand weekend did unfold,

With blessings abundant, a tale to be told.

A daughter turned four, a nephew newly arrived,

Their presence brought joy, the spirits revived.

Amidst the mirth, I chanced upon Andrew's band,

In the parking lot, they offered a helping hand.

Bug repellent and a pink bracelet they bestowed,

To shield me from insects that the wilderness showed.

Joined by a pleasant family, I set forth with might,

Embarking on a journey, the marathon in sight.

Along the first lap, I conversed with Phil, a friend,

He spoke of a mighty run, the Katy Trail to transcend.

Each lap, a mere 2.4 miles to overcome,

I paced myself, quenching thirst and feeling aplomb.

Gradually, I quickened my pace, fueled by desire,

To complete the marathon ere the sun would retire.

Under four hours, my goal in this epic race,

I crossed the finish line, my heart quickening its pace.

But weariness beset me, forcing me to rest,

Though I finished strong, fatigue put me to the test.

To my phone I turned, capturing a moment's strife,

Recording my thoughts, the urge to abandon life.

Yet, such thoughts after marathons are known to sway,

For the finish line often beckons as a rightful way.

In the final hours, Andrew found me, a weary soul,

Together we traversed, tales of courage we extolled.

With caution, we pressed on, not risking our own plight,

In camaraderie and conversation, we found respite.

I stayed with him, a steadfast companion until the end,

Then a woman overtook me, a rival to transcend.

She sought 36 miles, while I lagged behind,

Thus, I slowed my pace, determined to no longer be confined.

Summoning my strength, I surged in the closing miles,

Determined to conquer fatigue, to triumph and compile.

As I reached the finish line, time waning in its flight,

Two minutes remained, an improbable prospect in sight.

Could I complete the half-mile loop, the final test,

In those fleeting moments, pushing my limits, unrest?

Yet, reason prevailed, the task beyond my might,

Though I had run strong, this challenge eluded my sight.

Awaiting Andrew's arrival, I savored the triumph we shared,

He, too, pushed his limits, resilience bared.

As we strolled back, weary yet elated in our retreat,

I checked my ranking, a feat to truly greet.

Fifth overall, a proud standing to my name,

Improving upon last year, reaching new acclaim.

The victor covered 40 miles, a herculean feat,

A testament to endurance, a champion's elite.

But alas, the journey's end marked a painful toll,

As I sat in my car, agony consuming my soul.

I screamed at my leg, lamenting the price I paid,

Yet, I endured and triumphed, despite the pain that stayed.

Homeward I drove, shivering from the cold night's chill,

Aching limbs reminding me of the marathon's thrill.

Through pain and triumph, this epic tale shall unfold,

A weekend of grandeur, memories forever to hold.


the Most Epic Runs