Day 2,759 —Thankful for the Distraction— with my PICTURE of the RED SUN #2

I ran faster at start just trying to get warm. My phone was charging at home, and I was listening to the wind while running down Laclede towards distant headlights. 

I read a little today in my guidebook for running an ultra. I still have so much I need to figure out. This is so unlike me. I feel busy with my classes right now, and I am wondering if I am rushing things for no reason. Next semester I plan to take only one graduate course. I know there is no perfect time to do anything, and I am not getting any younger, but I want to be able to enjoy the here and now too. 

With everything else going on I have not been able to run as much, partly because I did not feel like it and partly because I needed to recover. 

I need to plan my drop bags and work out logistics for the run. Part of me is thankful for the distraction: this run will now take my entire focus. 


the Most Epic Runs