Day 2,762 —One Run Left: Slightly Freaking Out— with my PICTURE of a TREE BROKEN by a STORM

I slept until 7:30 this morning, a rarity for sure, but I am struggling now to figure out how I am going to get everything I need to do today done. I need to get all my packing done and go to the store. I also have a class tonight and need to do some reading for that class. 

I am thinking about taking a nap at some point during the run, and I am trying to figure out how exactly to plan to be able to do that. 

People keep asking me what my goal is, or what success will look like for me to do this run, and I think it will have something to do with being able to keep going after I hit that wall of irrationality mixed with survival instincts and lack of sleep. I am sure that is going to hit me at some point, probably around 60 miles, and I imagine I will be hitting something else that I have not even gone through yet closer to 80 miles. I am both scared and excited to experience this challenge. 

I can do this! Maybe. 

Happy Thursday and thank you to the vets out there.


the Most Epic Runs