Day 2,774 —Worth Waking Up— with my PICTURE of a WASP and his FLOWER

Perseus, my cat, let me sleep in until almost 5 a.m. Slowly moving for the first hour of the morning, I was able to still catch the sunrise. There was a winter frost that glistened on every surface. The sunrise looked orange, pink, yellow, and magenta playfully changing colors in the various cloud arrangements. 

I scrapped the route I had made in my head that morning while meditating and instead went where it looked like I would get a better view of the sunrise. I ended up over by the chocolate factory. I went closer heading towards a hill where I might get a better view of the factory and the sunrise. 

I took at least a dozen different versions of the same two pictures and was on my way. I felt refreshed thinking about the week ahead, and the paper I still need to write. I wonder if I should run or drive to the Turkey Trot on Thursday? I thought as I continued forward into the cemetery as deer scattered around me.      


the Most Epic Runs