Day 2,767 —I Got There— with my PICTURE of the TUNNEL from the RACE

Beautiful sunrise this morning. It was redder than it was pink, and it took me some time to get to a mile, so I could stop and take a picture, but I think it was worth it.

Back to work today, and I am rushing to get everything done, so I can get out the door. I am not feeling completely normal yet, but I got a lot to do today, but at least Thanksgiving is next week, which I haven’t thought about that much because I have been thinking about the race. 

Thank you everyone who took the time to make a comment on my blog or on Strava. I am so behind on responding to comments, and I am going to try to do better. I am truly so thankful for all the kind words. 

Happy Tuesday everyone! Whatever happens today. It must be easier than running 100 miles. 


the Most Epic Runs