Day 2,763 — Tunnel Hill 100 Tomorrow — with my PICTURE of TRAIN TRACKS with a TIRE

I feel like the race is today because of how busy today is. A lot of unknowns and my mind is increasingly distracted thinking about tomorrow, so it has been difficult to make the most of the time that I have. 

I am mostly packed even though I have not decided on everything yet. I just got the notice for the live track, so I was able to do that this morning. I doubt anyone I know will post any updates for me anywhere (except for my family group text message chain), and I don’t know if there is any live link that one could see how I am doing or not, so I doubt I will have any update on my blog or Strava until Sunday or Monday. I want to record some video updates as I run, like I did for my 72-mile run, but I am sure I will want to write about whatever happens too at some point. 

So many thoughts and so few words that match. 

Happy Friday! 


the Most Epic Runs