Day 2,770 —Anniversary of Ultra Running— with my PICTURE of the ROTHMAN

I have been wearing sandals or minimalist shoes this week. I am not sure where some of my other shoes are. One thing I learned from the race was the need to buy shoes in bigger sizes than I regularly wear. My feet swelled up so much throughout the race, which ended up mostly punishing my two little toes. It is a small price to pay to run 100-miles, but it should be an easy thing to prepare for next time. My sandals and minimalist shoes have much more room for my toes, so that is one of the reasons I have been wearing them. 

I am surprised with all my issues with injury this year, I did not have any of those during the race, and I feel great today. My approach to wear the more supportive shoes on longer days and keep with a balance of the minimalist shoes for shorter runs will continue seems to be working.  

Happy Friday everyone! I encourage you all to sign up for your local Turkey Trot! I am looking forward to doing my regular one this year. It was on Thanksgiving that I made my unofficial start to ultra-running. Two-years ago, I ran 34 miles on Thanksgiving, just to see if I could do it, and to celebrate my birthday. Should I run 36 this year? It kind sounds fun. Maybe I will have to think about it.     


the Most Epic Runs