Day 2,760 —Three Runs Left— with my PICTURE of WHITE FLOWERS and the SUN

Practiced floating during this run. It is harder than it sounds. I wore my vest thinking I will probably use it during the race. I still need to figure some other things out for the race, but I am getting there. The waterproof latch on my camera broke, but I don’t know if I will bring my camera or not. It is heavy, but it does distract me as well. 

Starting to get ready for the race last night. I looked through the aid station and made a list of things I need to do. I bought some new shoes today. I am glad I am off Thursday, so I have time to get everything together hopefully. Just found out I am expected to work later Friday, so might have to leave early, and take time. I don’t want to be stressed about anything the day before the race. 

I can do this! I was watching a guy from last year’s run on youtube running the Tunnel Hill 100 in 12:19:xx. Such an impressive performance. He kept saying during the rest stops “whatever it takes.” The phrase took on different tones throughout the race, but it seemed to help to have a mantra. 

This should be on the top of my agenda—Need to Procure a Mantra! Need to decide what audio book I want to bring too. 


the Most Epic Runs