Day 2,769 —Thinking about Last Year — with my PICTURE of a NERVOUS LION

Thanksgiving is next week, which seems like news to me because it had not been on my radar at all. One thing about having to run those 100 miles was that it distracted me from a lot of other things going on in life. I am struggling this week to keep up with everything I need to do, but I am getting there and trying to smile along the way.  

I started my longest week today last year. I ran a little over 150 miles in 7 days for the Webster v. Kirkwood virtual turkey trot. 

I am looking forward to participating in the in-person Turkey Trot this year. I feel like I need to figure out my next goal / race in the next couple of weeks. It is not really pressing for anyone except me. Up until now, I have always had another race to look forward to competing in. 

Happy Week before Thanksgiving! 


the Most Epic Runs