Day 2,910 —Upgrading to Daniel 3.0— with a PICTURE of ROTHMAN’S 2.0 #695

I went to the cemetery today, not that I need a reminder to think about not being here anymore, but on a day like this I find the stillness of the cemetery relaxing, but I promise not in a weird way. 

When growing up I was struggling with everything about myself I didn’t like, but now I am kind of glad I got those experiences over with at a young age, not that I didn’t keep repeating some of the cycles in different stages of my life, but I am in a better place now. 

And for the first time, I am not so worried how everything is going to work out with my career and my life. Instead, I am excited to find out how things will work out, or maybe they won’t with anything and everything but that’s okay too. I am confident because wherever life takes me--I’ll still be me. 


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