Day 2,916 —Double Chubb 50K and the Storm— with a PICTURE of the EMERSON LIBRARY #701

Back to tights and my rain jacket as I started late this morning. I am kind of enjoying keeping a light week as I prepare for another race on Saturday; however, I don’t know what to expect with all the mud and obstacles that will likely clutter the trail this year. 

I’ve ran the trail enough times to not be worried about it, or to really spend much time planning for it, but I probably should put together a drop bag at least and figure out what I will wear that day. I think I am off the vest still and won’t use it for this race, but I should start training with it again considering I’ll probably need it for both the 50 mile and 100 I am doing the next two months. 

I enjoyed the storm yesterday. It made my day a little bit more interesting. I wish I had time to go out and do another run in it in the afternoon. I saw a group of runners out strutting in it when I was driving home from work: there will be other storms. 


the Most Epic Runs