Day 2,925 —Happy Birthday Bill — with a PICTURE of a FIRE HYDRANT #710

I was feeling pretty amazing running towards the sunrise. The clouds looked light and playful, and the sky had a purple tint. I ran into the city and was surprised to see I was only two and half miles away from my house, and I was close to Ted Drews.

I ran past two young women walking with bags, and one of the said, “Holly crap! That guy scared me.” except she didn’t say crap and she didn’t say holly. 

Sometimes I shout ahead when I am approaching a seemingly absent-minded person, “Approaching on your left!” 

  But, I see the person jump when I start talking. Part of me takes it as an indication how quiet I am when I run, which I try to be quiet. I try to step light and breathe evenly through my nose, not to scare anyone but because it is good running technique. I want to float when I run. I want my feet to seemingly never hit the ground and never leave the ground.  

I saw some tents over on River des Peres today. I have never seen so many houseless individuals so close to my home before. I know it is getting bad everywhere, but to see it slowly approach my home is so sad. I need to do something to help, but I don’t know what that is yet. 


the Most Epic Runs