Day 2,924 —Forgot about Music— with a PICTURE of DAMAGED PERSONAL ITEMS II #709

It was super warm today. I could have run without my shirt, but it was dark, so I wanted to wear my reflector vest, so I had to wear a shirt. So much construction on the roads today. Laclede was closed completely going away from the city which is insane when you know how much traffic it sees on a regular basis. It looks like the roads are being kind of patched up with big metal plates. 

There is got to be a better way to create and maintain surface for transportation. This system cultivates accidents. 

I got the newish Prince album from the library yesterday. I have been still buying records and listening to them some but not like I used to. 

Last week I brought my old CDs to my car and have listened to music seemingly for the first time in years. 

I have really limited myself to what I own on vinyl, and there is a lot I cannot get in vinyl. 


the Most Epic Runs