Day 3244 —Reflections in the Puddles—

 I wasn't in a hurry to start on time, thinking about how great it is to run during the sunrise. But today, it was raining and cloudy, which has its benefits too. I started thinking about how annoyed I was now, but I knew I wouldn't even notice the rain in ten minutes. My feet were cold because I was wearing sandals, but that didn't bother me either, knowing I would soon be done. While I prefer sunshine over rain on most days, I have always liked the way rain makes everything look. It has always been one of my favorite times to take pictures. Sunshine can be pretty boring on film, but rain usually has some depth of color and range of complexity that you don’t get when the light is flat.

I am so excited today to be able to catch up on all the reports I have to write for work today! 


the Most Epic Runs