Day 3263 —Here Comes April—

As I ran, reflecting on the week, I thought more about the problem a parent leaves a child. Sometimes, this is more obvious in cases where a parent wants to be a musician but is unable to achieve success. They may strongly foster their child’s aspirations in that area. However, other problems a parent leaves a child can be less obvious. Perhaps a parent struggled with feeling like they were unable to handle things like an “adult”. Having been told to grow up over and over again, they may task their children with the notion that they need to behave older than they are.

Maybe a parent’s insecurity in their relationship to the church through leadership positions, or just in their own personal relationship with their faith, might lead to the child to be a pastor, or someone who is seeking to have the relationship that their parent wasn’t able to achieve in their church or in their faith. 


the Most Epic Runs