Day 3266 —Green Eyes—

I must have been 8 or 9 years old, sitting at the Salvation Army attending gym class. Being homeschooled, my mom found a lot of different group class activities we could do with other kids. Everyone I knew from church was there, along with some other kids I didn’t know that well.

One day, the topic of eye color came up and everyone was looking at each other's eyes and commenting on them. I didn't know my eye color, and every time I asked someone to look, they would just stare and say, "it's...". They did come up with an answer, but nothing anyone ever agreed on. I remember someone saying I had green eyes, which made me feel the most sense to me because that's the color I saw the most.

What I didn't consider was that my eyes typically comprise three colors: green, brown, gray, and sometimes blue. I wanted so badly to have just one color like so many of the other kids. Nobody told me that your eyes could have so many different colors. Nowadays, I catch myself looking into my daughter's eyes a lot and counting the colors. She has distinctly two right now, but sometimes I see a third.


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