Day 3257 —Plant Based Formula—

I am embracing running errands and today I stopped by CVS to buy some Epsom salt. I ran a little over half a mile while carrying the grocery bag with one hand. I finished listening to Dean Karnazes' most recent book, and I didn't hate it, but it just feels so overwritten. Many moments feel like they were "jazzed up" and come off as inauthentic; however, I don't want to be negative. I enjoy the stories he tells.

Before our first child was born, we weren't vegan, and those are the only memories I have of eating meat around her. I remember even then, feeling guilty for eating like that close to our daughter. Now, just weeks away from the birth of our next child, my wife discovered a plant-based baby formula made by a mainstream company. Things have changed so much in such a short period of time.


the Most Epic Runs