Day 3,671 —Tiny Clouds Radiating Warm Colors—

   Looking up, the sky was beginning to become blue, and the clouds looked like they were sitting on top of the sky in obedience to some grand design—then, a car came zooming past me, not paying attention to anything.

I feel like most of the time I have been grateful for the silence and the times I can find myself out without any civilization near, but it has been difficult recently. At the end of the Catcher in the Rye, there is a scene where Holden talks about how the curse words written where kids can see them bothers him. Those kinds of things bother me too. Why do people ruin things for other people and make things difficult for no reason? It seems like when people don’t have anything to say they want to make the argument that no one has anything to say. 


the Most Epic Runs