Day 3,673 —Taking my Time—

 It is nice starting at 4 because it is so quiet in the morning. Sure, there were some cars, but for the most part, I could just run down Watson with the only sound being the birds. I fell asleep right after reading to my daughter last night and woke up around 3 a.m., I probably could have gone back to bed, but I wanted to brush my teeth. And then, I was kind of just happy to have some time on my hands to go for a decent run and to play BG3. I have been playing honor mode and I spent this run deciding on the strategy I want to use when I fight the bad guy at the end of Act 2. Now, I keep thinking I wish I could use my skills from the game when I run. It would be nice to use a dash, for example, or the ability to teleport to avoid a flood. Also, I would love to talk to the deer and horses that I saw this morning. The horses were eating. I wonder if they always get up so early to eat. 


the Most Epic Runs