Day 3,694—Day 4: when Logic Doesn’t Matter—

It was so good to read the news yesterday that justice has been served, and the former president is now a felon and likely to face prison time for his crimes. Yet, what is so baffling is reading the local Missouri politicians decry that this is a sham, and somehow it has been orchestrated by the Democrats. Do they not understand how a jury trial works in this country? Are they unaware of how local law works? Or is it that they think that their supporters will believe anything that they say? I doubt Josh Ashcroft is a dumb guy; he is a former attorney and guilty of corruption in Missouri himself, yet what he suggests is an insult to every educated person. It suggests that we shouldn’t trust the law, shouldn’t trust a jury of our peers, shouldn’t trust judges who are elected, but should always trust rich white men.

         I keep hearing so many conservatives growing up telling me that they believe in tough prison sentences and more restrictions to get convictions reversed on appeal. Yet, these are the same people who are now arguing that the criminal system is broken and that we shouldn’t trust juries. I wonder if they believe their own logic, or at least are aware they are giving some groups of people special treatment. Aren’t people tired of being lied to and manipulated? Or is it just about being right and winning? Regardless of what happens next, I am glad that the truth came out. The true test of someone’s character is how they behave in the bad times, the low points, do they turn on their friends, or do they take responsibility and do something positive. 


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