Day 3,675 —Mother’s day 2024! —

I ran to my parents' house to leave a present for my mom and grandma. Next, I went to Dierbergh’s to buy some vegan candy for Sarah. I don’t know if it is new, but we both have been eating Giggles, which are vegan Skittles. I went back through Grant’s trail and thought about how nice it is to run the whole trail and that I haven’t done it in a while. A thought began to form in my mind that I should try to run 200 miles over the summer on my own for 3–4 days. I am not sure exactly how it will work, but seeing as it costs so much money to compete in a 200-mile run, why not try to complete a training 200-mile run before then? I could get the tent my dad bought, set it up in my backyard, and plan on only sleeping in it outside. I don’t know what my strategy is going to be, but I like the idea of trying to do this instead of traveling to do a 100-mile run over the summer. The Shawnee Hill is at the end of August so end of June might work. 


the Most Epic Runs