Day 3,688 —I miss this Track—

Everyone was off this morning. Perseus woke me up at 3 a.m.! I tried to watch Dune 2 last night but I kept falling asleep. My daughter was up at 5:30 and my one-year-old wanted to eat my toast. I didn’t start running until a little later, but I was feeling good by the time I was halfway finished and I was thinking about the school year and the summer. I was thinking about how nothing in my life feels real, or that it is happening to me. Other people talk about the idea that everyone is a star in their own story, but I cannot relate. I am not the Star. I am not even a reoccurring character. I am working as a background artist changing roles each week and appearing without dialogue. Sure, I mouth some words pretending I am having conversations, but I am not allowed to speak. 

I need to sign up for my next run. Or at least the 2 I usually do over the summer.  


the Most Epic Runs