Day 3,695—Day 5: Getting back to You—

         I have been hatin’ on running recently, if not vocally, in my mind. My recent runs have felt like work, and I have been putting off planning for the next race. But today, I felt like I was crushing it, running a decent pace through the trail by the park. It was not a tough trail but still several degrees more difficult compared to pavement. I thought about how two hours was not anything compared to the hours I have done before but this will be my longest run since the Berryman and I still need to make a race video of the footage.

         I don’t know if I would describe myself as down on running or unmotivated when considering the next thing. I should do the 200-mile run on my own, or something different. Maybe as many miles as I can run in 3 days? Although, I like distance goals part of me wants to do a time goal and focus on my longest ever 3 days, or something like that. My longest-ever run is now 104 miles, or is it from the first Shawnee Hill? I remember doing over 100 but not knowing how much over because my watch was dead. Regardless, I have a lot of room to grow, how many days will take me to get to 200? Should I focus on 200 in 3 days? I like having a new goal, something challenging and exciting.


the Most Epic Runs