Day 3,696—Day 6: Backyard Pool—

After taking my daughter somewhere almost every day this week: Tuesday, Botanical Gardens; Thursday, Botanical Gardens; Friday, Magic House; Saturday, Rocketship Park. And I am sure I took her out somewhere on Monday and Wednesday, but right now I don’t remember. I remember Monday was a holiday, so we did something together. We all went to the Butterfly House over the weekend. Today, she wanted to go to the Botanical Gardens again. It has become her new favorite place, but she always loves going to the Magic House. I want to take her up in the Arch this summer. She says she wants to go, but once we get there and she sees the elevators, I wonder if she will change her mind.

         Today, I thought, let’s blow up the kid pool and hang out on the lawn. I have spent so much time mowing the lawn this week, so we should take advantage. I thought I would be able to run in my yard and down the street some while she was playing in the pool, but that didn’t last long. Even when it was only a couple of minutes, she would still get out and chase me down the street.

         I decided to stay in the yard and wait until my wife was outside so I could run at least a mile. After I finished the mile, I thought I would want to do more, but I wanted to hang out outside and sit by the pool with my daughter.


the Most Epic Runs