Day 3,701—Summer Stories IV—

Today, I wasn’t sure which way I wanted to go, so I went down Watson and circled back around for no real reason, feeling out the road and not thinking about where I was going. I felt sore and it took me a while to find a picture I wanted to take. I took some pictures of the private road that cuts through between Watson and Laclede, and I thought about the kind of person who cuts through parking lots because it is slightly more convenient for them. I speculated that they are the kinds of people who believe they deserve more than other people, but I don’t know. Maybe we’re all guilty of that to some extent.

Yesterday, my one-year-old was outside mowing the lawn with the plastic mower that my daughter used to use. She would come out and mow with her plastic mower whenever I was mowing the lawn.

20 years ago, I wrestled in the Missouri vs. Illinois All-Star Dual. I did not have a great season my senior year but I qualified from state and felt okay about it because everyone else in my senior class did not even go. We went from being the class that was on the local paper for having so many qualifying two years ago, and now many of the guys on my team were injured and had to sit out at the end of the year.

         I was going against a guy who had medaled in state a few times in Illinois, but my style matched his well. I threw him at least once if not twice. I remember making a lot of mistakes but winning a close match. People were on their feet screaming. My dad was there and I thought how cool it was that I got to wrestle in this meet that I had gone to see with him and my brothers for so many years. 


the Most Epic Runs