Day 3,716—Dark 2 Dawn: 9 Hours on a 6.7 Mile Trail—


The Drive / Packet pickup
         It is an easy drive to get to Indian Camp Creek Park. The first time I went there, I wasn’t sure where the race was, but it is a one-way and there is a sign where you turn left up a gravel road. The gates at the entrances are giant arrows. There is a playground that is 3 times bigger than an average one. The theme of simply “Indian” is cringy, but it is a nice park. 
         There were a lot more people there than I thought, and I parked in the fourth row close to the back of the field. I am always worried about parking my car on the grass, but I went slow, and it seemed fine. The person who was parked next to me was very worried that she would be blocked in, but people leave throughout the night, so it’s not too bad if you need to get out early.
Everyone seemed cheery, and I got my bib number, changed clothes, and covered myself in bug spray. I was using the Right Stuff as my main hydration, and I put two packets in my water.

Fall Count/How technical the trail seemed

I fell at least five times but almost all in the first two loops of the course. Once, I slowed down I stopped falling, but I still stubbed my toe plenty of times. 

This trail is part sand, part grass, part dirt trail, part gravel trail, part ground with roots, part dirt ground with rocks, and part mud. My clothes were so dirty from the sand and the mud and falling. I rinsed myself off before I left with all the dirt and mud caked on. This trail has a tiny amount of elevation, but the variety of terrain makes it difficult to get in a groove, so it becomes easy to make a mistake. Also, once I replaced the batteries on my headlamp, the terrain became a lot easier.

The First Loop
Time 1 hour and 7 minutes
Distance 6.7 Miles
Time of day 10:07 p.m.  

I felt great and finished in the front group. I thought my hydration stuff was working. I talked to this guy Phil for a while about our kids and life things. He was a nice guy, and it was a positive way to start the race. I added more hydration packets to my water bladder, and I was off.

The Second Loop
Time 1 hour and 24 minutes
Total Time 2 hours and 31 minutes
Total Distance 13.4 Miles
Time of day 11:31 p.m.    

This lap was good up until I ran out of water with 2 miles to go. I wasn’t sure how dehydrated I was, but I was sweating profusely, and I felt like I needed to keep drinking. When I got back to the start, I drank so much water and coconut water to took a beat before going back out.

The Third Loop
Time 1 hour and 49 minutes
Total Time 4 hours and 20 minutes
Total Distance 20.1 Miles
Time of day 1:20 a.m.   

I put two of the hydration packets in my water, and I think that’s what ended up getting me sick. I needed more water to electrolyte ratio and my stomach was struggling with what to do. I kept feeling like I needed to drink water, but I wasn’t feeling cramps or anything I usually deal with dehydration.
Then, I ran out of water with 3 miles still to go and got sick with about a mile left. I was barely moving and had to walk. Some guy asked me if he needed to get someone to help me. I felt so embarrassed, but I dealt with it and kept going. I realized that I was not going to be able to do 40 miles tonight after all.

Two years ago I won this same race with six loops that equals 40.2. Someday I want to do 7 loops, so I have the official course record and am not tied with the other runners who have done 6 loops, but 7 loops aren’t going to be easy. There is an hour and a half cut off and that would be 46.9 miles in 9 hours, not impossible but not easy. If I remember this run 2 years ago I finished 6 loops in about the same clock time eight hours and twenty minutes, so if I can shave off 5 minutes each loop. I think that would be enough time to do 7.

The Fourth Loop
Time 2 hours and 20 minutes
Total Time 6 hours and 40 minutes
Total Distance 26.8 Miles
Time of day 3:40 a.m.   

I was finally feeling good at this point in the race. I took a 20-plus minute break, which is always my plan if I end up feeling that bad. It was also nice to know I wasn’t going to have to run 40 miles tonight. I felt guilty for being glad about it, but after the third loop, I stayed way too long by my car and changed some of my clothes. I knew I had to make a change to get back into this, so I did, but now the only problem was how mad I was that I was struggling so much before: I put on my headphones, turned on the music, and started singing to myself.

The Fifth Loop
Time 1 hour and 38 minutes
Total Time 8 hours and 18 minutes
Total Distance 33.5 Miles
Time of day 5:18 a.m.   

This was one of my best loops. I was running most of the loop and passing people who had passed me earlier in the race. I did feel like I was pushing it a little too much by the time I got to the finish, but I also remember how awful I felt 2 years ago, and this wasn’t that. The guy who won it came in with 6 loops, a little after me. My time 2 years ago should still be faster, but I don’t know for sure.

Food and Drinks
I barely had anything to eat, except for some potato chips around lap 4. I drank Diet Coke for energy and Coconut water. I used the brand The Right Stuff for my hydration. The only other thing I consumed was some ginger ale from the aid station near the end of the race.

Aid and Race Organization
The aid workers were great. They always helped me fill up my water bladder and generally were encouraging. Every time we came in to finish a loop or start a loop, they all started cheering. It might seem small, but that energy helps motivate me. The track is clearly marked. No issues with any of the turns or sections that can be confusing. I still occasionally looked at my watch to verify I was on the right trail, but there were plenty of flags and most of it was single track.

Reflections on the Race and the Drive Home
Last year I had pinkeye and tried to run this race without glasses. I fell so many times, I busted my hand open from falling. Then, I kept falling, so I covered my wound with mud and dirt. It was so painful to clean it out later that day. This year I got no drama, no injuries. I wore my gloves the whole race. My hands and toes and my knee still were in pain, but it was very manageable pain.

You cannot win them all, but you can try to have a good time each time you go out for a race. I want to keep coming back to this race, and although I am disappointed things didn’t go well enough for me to get in 6 loops, I did a lot more than I did last year, and I am so much happier than I was 2 years ago when I won. It was so awesome to win something, but I don’t want to feel like I cannot be happy with a race if I don’t win.  

Reflections on the Videos and Picture
I tried something different this time. I brought my tripod and did a short video after most laps. I also took a couple of pictures. It is not a ton of footage, so it shouldn’t take me that long to edit. I still would like to edit the footage I have from the Berryman, but I will work on this one first.

Next Time
I might need the 2-liter water bladder. It is a lot and I remember not needing that much water for Shawnee Hill, but this course is 6.7 miles without an aid station each time. If I want to run it faster, I am going to have to drink more water. I also need to go slower on the hydration stuff. I want to drink until I am full at the aid station. Also, I should park closer to the start. I knew this was going to bother me, but I like staying by my car, and in doing so added at least a mile to my overall distance.


the Most Epic Runs