Day 3,722—What being Old Sounds Like: Early Experience with Animals III —

I saw the deer from the other night this morning, or so I think so. She was over in the same area and walked away slowly from me. Now, I was wondering where is the rest of her family? I rarely ever see a female deer by itself walking around.

Hunting part II

         We were driving on the grass on some land with our rifles close by. There were four of us. My brother and me, JC, and his friend. We spent the night in a cabin the night before, and we got up in the dark the next day. We hunted in pairs, and I went with my uncle and my brother went with his friend. I barely remember the 4th person, but I remember that my brother was not with us hunting, and I know he would not have been able to go by himself. He would have been 15 at the time.

         Most of what hunting is are things I truly enjoy doing: getting up early, walking in the woods, and sitting outside in silence for long stretches of time. So I was in a good mood as we climbed a tree together and sat down in silence and began to observe the morning unfold.

a Moment of Frustration about getting Old 

I am attempting to back up pictures from iCloud, and it made me think about how it never used to be so complicated to back up your images, but somehow with each new upgrade, all of Apple's applications like Photos and iTunes just keep progressively getting more complicated and slower.

         I remember my iTunes library working better 10 years ago, and now it is to a point where I don’t use it because it does such a bad job of loading and responding.

I shouldn’t have to spend so much time trying to do something as basic as creating a copy of my iCloud library. Why Apple?! Why? 


the Most Epic Runs