Day 3,717—Reflection—

While running around my neighborhood wearing sweatpants, I was thinking about something I wanted to write. I wanted to mention that I have been making a video for the Dark 2 Dawn and have been doing a write-up of the race. I should be able to post both soon, but not today. 

I would like to know officially where everyone placed. I also like giving myself time to edit my writing. The videos take forever to make because I go through them so many times. 

I was thinking about starting a story series about my early memories with animals. For example, the chickens that lived in our kitchen until they all died tragically. The same could be said for my dog and my two lizards. I loved all my pets so much, but how they ended up meeting their end was something I felt like I had no control over, yet I still felt like it was my fault. Everyone has regrets. Mine come back to how I didn’t do more to help my pets as a kid. It’s not something I really talk about anymore. I love animals, but it took me until I was in my 30s until I got my first cat. Now, we have three, and my wife and I cannot imagine our life without them. I love spending time with animals, and I always have, but there is a reason why I didn’t and denied myself that for so long. There are stories. And I am hatin’ on my parents. I know they did their best, but that doesn’t change what happened and how it impacted me. I’ve always felt almost disgusted by people being dishonest for the “right” reason because they love someone, they lie to protect them or give in to fiction because it makes them feel good. I could never do that. If you tell me I was wrong, and you have the evidence to back up your claim, thank you sir for setting me straight.

         People who get annoyed by a dose of reality frustrate me. I always think, “What do you want me to do? Just pretend to make you feel good?” I feel good when people respect me enough to be direct and honest with me. I think. If you have something to say, I hope you say it to me directly.

Also, I am obviously on no sleep and feelin’ it now. And, I am looking forward to posting my full race report and video. Thanks for reading! 



the Most Epic Runs