Day 3,924 —Happy—


  I was not in a great mood yesterday because of a variety of things, but mostly, it was one of those days when things just kept not working out even when they should. Probably the best example would be when I was sitting down with my son to eat for the first time at 5:30 p.m., and someone knocked on my door. Turns out, I needed to move my car, which involved me putting my son in his car seat to move my car 50 feet.

The best part of my day was after 9 p.m. and by then I felt guilty for not going to bed. I read the most important night of sleep is the night before the night before the race because it can be difficult to sleep the night before the race. I don’t think I will be having that problem this evening but knock on wood, it could happen, but seeing as I am all no coffee sleeping hasn’t been an issue.

I should be more focused on working, but I keep trying to pack in my mind and just get overwhelmed and have to start over.

This morning’s run I got to try on my new leggings, which I bought yesterday. I needed a new pair but kept putting it off and was just taking my routine trip to the running store to buy a new pair of sunglasses when I saw them.

This morning’s run already feels so long ago. I remember listening to music and thinking about running on the trail. I am finally getting excited about this race! I am coming for you, Shippey! I don’t know if I can beat my previous time or have a chance to beat the guy who beat me 2 years ago, but I am coming for you, Shippey! Here we go again.
