
Showing posts from March, 2021

Day 2,537 —Not Feeling Great— ( with a Fall Tree and Yellow Stairs)

Day 2,536 —Recapturing my Joy for the Day— (with a picture of a tree in autumn)

Day 2,535 —I Used to be Scared of the Dark— (with a Pond and a Path)

Day 2,534 —Why is it Good to be Stubborn? — (with Blue Stairs and a Red Flower)

Day 2,533 —Broken Sunshine: my Marathon today and my Review of a Taco Place— (with a Picture to be Thrown away and the Edge of a Curb)

Day 2,532 —Hope to Start Early Tomorrow— (with River Boat and Park Pavilion)

Day 2,531 —Glimpses of Spring— (with a Spider and Red Berries)

Day 2,530 —the Clouds are Out— ( with a Pond and a Factory)

Day 2,529 —Caught in the Rain— (with Sunrise 1 and Sunrise 2)

Day 2,528 —Sometimes it Pays to be a Teacher — (with Zombies and Leaves)

Day 2,527 —Getting Old— (with Goodbye Bug Store)

Day 2,526 —Full Recovery and Thanks for the Water Dad— (with a Food Truck and a Green Light)

Day 2,525 —Feeling Crazy— (with a Statue and an Opening to a Field)

Day 2,524 —Getting Vaccinated Today— (with a Sign on a Bench and a Bridge over Water)

Day 2,523 —Running in the GO! St. Louis— (with a Butterfly)

Day 2,522 —Feeling Hopeful— (with a Barge and a Tunnel)

Day 2,521 —How You Feel is Never Wrong— (with Power Plant and a Forgotten Ship)

Day 2,520 —Nobody Picks their Personality— ( with Grant's Farm Lights and Pumpkins)

Day 2,519 —Going around in Circles— (Ducks at a Park and 44 in the Morning)

Day 2,518 —Officially a Year Now— (with Forest Park and Deer in the Cemetery)

Day 2,517 —50 or 100?— (a Closed Church and a Homeless Statue)

Day 2,516 —Another Student Passed Away— (with Sunrise by the River Part 1 and 2)

Day 2,515 —I See You Possum— (with the Arch in the Morning Part 1 and 2)

Day 2,514 —a Little Out of my Routine— (with Ducks and Cannons)

Day 2,513 —Day of Heaven— (with Manuscript Library 1 and 2 )

Day 2,512 –My Run in Three Parts— ( with Park Closed and Lost Helmet)

Day 2,511 —Thinking about Awareness— (My Shadow and Early Morning Shot)