Day 2,533 —Broken Sunshine: my Marathon today and my Review of a Taco Place— (with a Picture to be Thrown away and the Edge of a Curb)

I truly wanted to get up earlier this morning, but I just was so happy to be sleeping in bed. I didn’t get up until 6, and then only because my daughter wanted to get up. 

I had been meaning to run a marathon* for a while now, so it seemed like a good day to try. It was nice today. I drank plenty of water and made sure to eat a little before I left. I felt fine, but kind of distracted listening to different podcast that kept stopping after the first 10 minutes. It is a very strange problem to have with one’s mp3 player, but it is my fault for not wanting to change to the now streaming culture we live in. I just don’t like it. I want to have the stuff I like for as long as I want to have it. They make it pretty difficult to save podcast, but I figured out how; it is just cumbersome. I tried not to let any of that bother me. It was a nice day. I was out in the sun. I felt good. I probably dressed too warm. 

It is strange how I don’t want to stop because I am tired. I just get tired of running. Taking pictures helps, but lately I have just been in the wrong head space to really enjoy that 4+ hours of running. 

It is strange how your mind works. I am always good for the first two-hours, really no problem. That next hour became increasingly tougher, and the beginning of the fourth hour is still kind of tough, but then it just goes away and I am fine again. Whenever I finish, I am always underwhelmed because that is usually after I have caught my second wind. 

When I have gone longer than a marathon, I feel like I just cycled through more stages like that. Fine, okay, okay, good, bad, really bad, hate this, okay, fine, good, really good, okay, okay, really bad . . . I wonder how long it could go one like this? And do the more you do influence how long each stage last? I hope to find out.  

Review of Local Taco Place 

Yesterday, my wife and I went to a local taco place that I had read about online. It had several vegetarian tacos, so I thought it should be easy enough to get them to change some of them to fit a vegan diet if not fully plant based. It was unfortunate that it wasn’t a great experience. I was already kind of annoyed because we were asked to move and put closer to other guest, which made us uncomfortable, so we moved outside where they weren’t doing full service. I asked the lady what the easiest taco would be to change to vegan, and she seemed reluctant to answer. She eventually suggested something, and I said it would be fine to get that instead of what I thought might work, but she insisted that they try the other taco. It took a long time to come out. And at first, I thought it looked good. I took a bite of one of the tacos and offered it to my wife. She also took a tiny bite. Then I was looking inside the taco and found not one, but two pieces of meat. One piece of chicken and one piece of steak. I was happy that neither of us ate it by mistake, but it was a close call.  

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but how do you make that kind of mistake? The waiter was nice but didn’t comp anything from our meal and tried to get us to pay to join their club. 

I guess lesson learned. Always check your food! 

*I was just debating on why you don’t capitalize marathon. I know it isn’t used as a proper noun in all cases; however, it derives from the city called Marathōn, so I thought it would logically make sense that you should always capitalize it. This is the reason I have been told you always capitalize English because it comes from the proper noun England, so now I am confused why the rule stands for English, but not marathon? 
