Day 2,511 —Thinking about Awareness— (My Shadow and Early Morning Shot)

I have been writing on a regular basis since I was sixteen, and it is crazy to see how much my thinking has changed over the years. I wonder if I could be empathetic towards the way other people think if I hadn’t document myself thinking in similar ways. 
Do other people question the way they think and how they arrive at conclusion like I do? I cannot say I ever consciously wanted to question my own belief system, but I have always felt compelled to; I never want to be afraid of information and context. I remind myself that I only see a small part of the world, a small part of history, a small part of science, a small part of everything. How is anyone expected to make an informed decision when they have been predisposed to have a narrow set of circumstances that promote a certain worldview?
I think of early teachers I admired were never afraid of questions, but instead relished in the complexity of the answers. The complex answer is never the story that gets told.  


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