Day 2,521 —How You Feel is Never Wrong— (with Power Plant and a Forgotten Ship)

Waking up a little bit before three allowed me to be comforted by my surroundings, cat on my legs, and my wife and toddler sleeping next to me. My daughter immediately started to stir and rolled over on her stomach; she had her knees tucked under her; she looks so funny. 

Cold rain seems to be the norm for the past three days, which is just demoralizing. I like the way pictures look when it is raining. I like the way rain makes all the colors look more saturated, but I like the sky better. I like feeling the warm rays on my back and feeling that big hug that the sun gives you. 

I miss you sun! 


  1. Me too! (About the sun). Is that interesting ship in the Mississippi?


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