Day 3,636 —2 Runs! Until the Ozark Foothills 100! New Clothes—
I bought two new shirts for the race. I bought them from the running company Rabbit, and they’re my ideal running shirt: they have buttons and a collar. I tried them on last night, and they feel better than I could have imagined. I also bought a new pair of sunglasses yesterday.
I was just thinking about it today
after I finished my run, and I was doing laundry, starting to set out the
clothes I plan to bring to the race. I spend a lot of money on clothes,
specifically for running, but I didn’t before think I was the kind of person to
spend so much time and money on shoes and clothes, especially in the last
couple of weeks before a race, I am always looking to buy some new piece of
clothes or accessories.
is weird to realize it, but my clothes and shoes matter to how I end up feeling
during the race. This one is going to be difficult to dress for with the cold
weather and now rain is more likely at different parts of the race. I prefer to
wear shorts, but I might decide to simply change clothes more frequently. My
dad is bringing a tent, so I like that I will at least be able to dry off and
change clothes without visiting whatever bathroom might be available.
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