Day 3,637 —1 Runs! Until the Ozark Foothills 100!—

 It was in the 40s this morning, and I wore a jacket and pants. This is how I will be starting out the Ozark Foothills 100, I guess. I didn’t want to have to change pants after the first lap but maybe that is what I will end up having to do because I prefer to wear my shorts. 

I got my new body cameras yesterday but neither of them were ready to try this morning, so I will have to wait until I buy a new memory card and then the other one just needed to be charged. 

I don’t know how much I am going to like the footage but using the body cameras seems so much easier compared to what I have been doing. I am thinking I will turn it on during some of the section and get a few hours of footage. 

I hate the idea of having to sort through it to find stuff I want to use but we will see how this ends up working out. Right now, I am dealing with not having enough pictures and videos. I am not a fan of the late race meeting, but I am going to try to figure it out. The meeting ends at 8 p.m. and that just seems late to me.  


the Most Epic Runs