Day 3,641 —the day After!—

There is so much to write about regarding the race! I am sorting through the video I took now and am happy about my experiment! A lot of the footage is too shaky to use, but when I am walking, it works. The only part that I was disappointed with was that I didn’t record the finish. It looks like when I thought I was recording the finish, I was turning off the camera, so I had a lot more footage before I finished than I thought. 

        It was so nice today! I felt fine running, and my legs still felt strong, but then I got pretty tired after about a mile and a half. 

        I hope to get most of the video edited and the story of the race written at some point today. The only thing is that the official times won’t be posted until, I think, Wednesday. I would like to record pictures of the finish times overall. 

It is always odd to see how little I change throughout the duration of the race. You think you would be able to see exhaustion on my face.


the Most Epic Runs