Day 3,648 —When is the Next Race? —


It has been a week since the race, so it is officially over and retired, never to be mentioned again. Except perhaps in passing when talking to another racer during a different run. Today, it was nice, and I wanted to go faster, but my throat has been a little sore. My two kids have been congested all weekend, so I assume I am getting whatever they’re getting.

         I hope not because the Go St. Louis Marathon is only two weeks away, and I want to be able to have a good showing. I am looking forward to it after another season of longer races. It is always so much fun to do a marathon and not have to carry anything and never be alone for a long time. It always goes by so fast.  

         I still need to combine my writing about Ozark Foothills for a complete edition of the race, so I am planning to do that today.


the Most Epic Runs