Day 3,656 —the Go St. Louis Marathon is on Saturday? —

   It looks like I knew this already but forgot. I even put it on my calendar for Saturday and didn’t remember. It seems so odd. It has always been on Sunday, and this throws everything off for me for some reason. I guess it is nice too, for some other reasons. Saturday is always difficult, knowing the marathon is the next day, I try not to do anything on the day before and focus on stretching and sleeping.

         This year, that day will be Friday instead. I just don’t do well with a lot of major changes at once and this one everything has changed: the course, the packet pick-up location, the day, and the weekend. I am still ultimately happy I could do both the Go and the Ozark Foothills but I am kind of nervous now. Will I be able to do the whole run on my own, like I did last year? I need to figure out where to park and how I am going to get home. 


the Most Epic Runs