Day 3,643 —4th time! Best Time! Part II —

 I finally finished making my race video yesterday! Overall, I am happy with how it came out but there is always room for improvement. I am curious to hear feedback about any aspect people would like to see more of! I have been trying to keep them short between 5-8 minutes, but I wonder if that is as important as I think it is.

Lap 2

         I saw Joel at the end of the first lap. He and his brother were about to start running. They were doing the 50K, so their trail was a little different. His younger brother was there, doing his first 50K. He seemed very focused.

         I ended up talking to different people on this loop. Mostly, this guy Jack that I met. He was doing his first 100 and was focused and prepared. He said he had competed in other ultra-events, like the MO 350, which is a 350 mile canoeing race. 

         I was slowing down a lot because my stomach was bothering me. I slipped further behind. At the end of the lap, Jack and two other people who I had been pacing close to me pulled ahead. I would be in 6th or 7th place going into the 3rd lap. 

         I was thinking about how I wish my wife and daughter would come up to see me, but I understood why it was a struggle. I see them for only 5 minutes, but it takes my wife hours to drive to the race and then wait in a aid area to see me. I figured because I saw my mom at mile 31 it was unlikely my wife was going to make it up.


I made it to the end of the last stretch of the second lap, and I started running towards the start/finish area. I heard someone familiar, and it was my daughter! I looked to my right, and my wife was recording me finishing the second lap! I gave them all a hug, and I felt a million times better going into the third lap.

It is amazing how a familiar face can change your whole outlook. I went from feeling like I was doing awful, just struggling, to feeling strong and confident, like I knew what I was doing.   

Lap 2 

Distance—52 miles

Lap Time—6:36:00

Average Pace—15:14/mi

Race Time—11:40:00

Time of Day—5:40 p.m. 



the Most Epic Runs